Our Mission

Our goal is to create a web-based platform that we have coded from scratch that connects consumers to clothing brands. Our mission is to highlight small businesses which focus on sustainability, diversity and ethics.

What We Look For

At Ethicolor, we look for brands owned by a POC (not required) and who aim to reduce their environmental footprint through humane initiatives. A key aspect of our mission that we want our brands to share is transparency. Some questions we will be asking ourselves about each brand are: Are they giving all the information about their supply chain? Do they have information about their factories or their workers? Where do they get their fabrics from, and what fabrics do they use? Ethicolor is a brand for the conscious consumer, and we want sustainable brands to be a part of this community.

The Team



Tess, 18, is a senior at Riverdale Country School in New York City. She has been part of the computer science curriculum throughout high school and particularly enjoys algorithmic coding and web design. She was drawn to create Ethicolor, as in recent years, she has been involved in the sustainable fashion movement. After learning about all the environmental detriments that come from fast fashion and specifically after the increase in resources of POC-owned sustainable brands that coincided with the rise of the BLM movement. When given the opportunity, she paired up Adriana, who was also interested in sustainability, and later Mari, who had more insight on small businesses of color, to create Ethicolor. She wants to show that there is power in the brands you support.



Mari, 17, is a senior at Riverdale Country School in New York City. She has studied Computer Science for three years and is knowledgeable in different programming languages, including Processing, Java, XCode/Swift, and web design. She was drawn to create Ethicolor due to a combination of her work as a co-captain of Riverdale's Black Student Alliance and the rise of the Black Lives Matter Movement. She was fascinated with the surge of information on bridging the black-white economic gap by supporting businesses of color. She teamed up with Tess and Adriana, who had a focus on sustainable practices, and realized an overlap in audience: conscious consumers who advocate for social change. She wants to show that supporting marginalized groups and saving the planet can be done, one smart purchase at a time.



Adriana, 17, is a senior at Riverdale Country School in New York City. Throughout highschool, she has taken computer science courses, learning Java, Processing, and Xcode/Swift. In addition, Adriana has taken algorithm and data science courses online to further her knowledge of computer science. In recent years, Adriana learned of the inhumane and unsustainable business practices of many clothing companies and was drawn to create Ethicolor to get involved in the sustainable fashion movement. With a common goal in mind, Adriana joined forces with Tess, and later Mari, who is interested in bridging the black-white economic gap by supporting businesses of color, to create Ethicolor. Sustainable small businesses deserve a platform designed to spread their message, and Ethicolor is that platform.